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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
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    The trees glisten' off the environ green landscape terrain, I am a poet and seer; with the tranquility of the shimmering orange sun-shine. I am blissful in command and leadership, following the tail/tale of the devil around, making deals with him at many entry points. It's quite efficient and tranquil, to make deals with the devil; or merely one deal so to speak. As it lets me feel assured and efficient in demon doctrine and rhetoric. The beautiful green landscape which I assured a noose around a embarking tree never looked more splendid and tranquil. Do no bark up the wrong tree, devil; or more clever as a fox intellect could force you to submission faster than a vulture does a fish. My favorite dish is devil's egg; everyday I wake up; and eat a devil's egg, with tranquil rich taste of salt and tender sausage links wrapped around moist milk and sweet tastes of cookies. I then drink sweet and pulp free orange juice with bliss, tranquility and efficiency. It's quite the delight, as breakfast, makes me break fast to the next delightful dreamscape I calmly and tranquil reside in. That is philosophical pondering on the efficiency of Heaven and Hell, it's already exsistent exsistence, over the delightful feel of a embarking tree, with a wooden noose attached to it, while looking upon the glistening ocean river lake that glistens with sparkling eye sparkles of white crystal destinic fortune of absolute reserve for idealism and sufficiency. The more I ponder such absolution to my destiny of burning in hell for eternity, to more I'm aware of it's destitute, imagination, misfortune, and sufficient. Which is why I am a Ariskima, a black magician, going to seal the devil in the flames of hell for 2 eternity's. These two eternities won't be blissful or pondering, but self aware and gluttonous indulgence. It's going to be profound for the demon to see and spoke with demonic doctrine and sufficient tongue. The fox, and the snakes quarrel and squabble will never cease to exist, for we cannot coexist. The demon and the devils methodical battle, will last for eternity it seems, as the grass seems to only grow greener in envy for the demon, and in splendor for the devil. The devil notices such a tenacious act of sin and plague and robust question to the demon; the demon does not answer as the devil already knows such a task is at hand. The Promised Land will flourish in splendor and pursuit with serene, pristine, genuine absolution with terrific magnificence, succulent succicint, serpentine scalawag, sufficient dreamscape, only imaginations with uphold truth and doctrine of goodness and fathom. I too have such imagination of hell and heaven the demon said. The devil, not surprised or intimidated in the slightest; shook his head in disbelief, not only for his God, but doctrine he follows, not only in his soul; but heart. The demon, looks reluctantly and surprised; but to no surprise at all; asks to make a deal with the devil. The devil agrees, the deal is to uphold in Heaven in absolution, and to live in Paradise with splendor God provides. The devil agrees, but the demon does not hold goodness in his heart, as he his a sinful demon of Dohm. Andrew Flores the demon, agrees and begs for genuine mercy. Yet the devil has already made the decision for his ultimate demise in absolution. The snake has killed the fox, and marked his territory. The demon hangs his soul from a noose and tree, as a wicked seer. And the devil takes his soul for making such a deal. The End. The river ocean lake flows with tears from Angels for eternity in Heaven..
    Evidently, on a tall notch of dark brisking brim of dark ghastly night brightness, the tale of darkness had brimmed from under the green brownish branches of a absolute tree of absolute certainty. The dark brisking tree of absolute certainty beheld tall branch tales of evilish deeds of evil proportion of astounding abundant proportion and astounding astonishment of ghastly black brim and nuisance. During the ghastly black trees power of absolution; the tree would shed watery droplets of tears upon the grass of astounding green grass ground of severe severeness. For it wanted a ghastly grim friend to host it’s shingles, unhoist it’s shackles and peer through elitist colloquial law with black ghastly grim sin and over-ruling tyrant grasping dark art. The brown green tree loved hanging along the sides of banks of blue and red river streams; hanging it’s ghastly black head in un-wanting certainty and dishevelment. That is until a man of ghastly black origin of ghastly black reign came upon the talons of the brown green tree with rich taste of knife and murderous rampart sinister scythe in the hands of a robust, blackish, knightish, sinful ghost from the black shelves of the nether realm of the underworld. For several severe serpent seconds the ghastly grim ghost stood in dishevelment from the green brown tree. In despondent ways for dark origin; the dark origin of the tree did well with the green brownish tree, in dishevelment and in disarray, the dark brown tree between the yellow orange shimmering sun shed tears from this origin of dark sin interest; ghastly dark ghost to conjure visit to him. For several severe seconds the ghastly dark ghost severed the dark brown green tree in origin and seclusion; sinful severe to the brown green tree and it’s dark scent of ghastly origin. The ghastly dark ghost made no seconds split before unshackling his rope from the chains and tieing it to the tree. Hanging himself in disarray. A black crow peered from the distance and sat upon the brown green tree daunting, haunting, and taunting; in the revels of the dark origin of the ghastly dark ghost, as he was hung from the tree. The crow brinked darkness from another realm; as darkness devoured light in the brisk of night; the mocking and taunting, and haunting of the black crow visited the brown green tree in eerie fungus of negligent and heart pounding. The black crow was really free.

  2. #2


    (huh)load up the clip & fly like an angel
    freestyle w/ strangers to make 3 - hour bangers
    listening (to)techno, from tomorrow
    all-the-way back to grandmaster flash n Slayer
    pretty Ez - write raps spit a track w/
    (lil)prac tice
    "plays that-The Words Can't"flip"

    I try to stay away from vague intro spection
    The pain from the days,'of wayword projection
    Immature objectifying the other sex for satisfying an erection
    Texcees pigeonhole themselves - I experiment w/ lyricist to run light @ the intersection
    I study Nicki's inflection
    becuz "boys" got dat inner city da inner city
    whenya MumBle ur GunBars i've no IDea Who you're"hitting"
    R&B autotune on the weekend?
    while fun - "ain't"rilly spittin' less Serg('z)ontha Remix~

    *EDIT*,Next A.I., free style*
    Last edited by Pharaohs Army; April 11th, 2023 at 06:55 PM

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